Cloud GCP Systems Engineer

- Minimum 3-5 years of overall experience and 1 years of production experience on any public cloud
- Should have experience in GCP Services – Compute(CE, AE, CF, GKE, CR, pub/Sub), Storage, Data tools, Cloud Build
- Should have experience in GCP Networking fundamentals (VPC, VPN, Peering, Interconnect)
- Should have experience in GCP Security fundamentals (IAM, Service Accounts, Workload Iden- tity)
- Should have experience in Container Orchestration
- Should have experience in Container Registry – GCR
- Experience in setting up of Load Balancer, Auto Scaling, databases, firewall rules etc
- Working knowledge of Backup and Recovery methodology and imple- mentations on GCP
- Experience with Infrastructure as Code Tooling like Terraform
- Experience with at least one Configuration management tool like (An- sible, Packer, Salt, Chef, Puppet, etc.)
Experience with Containerization like Dockers and Kubernetes - Experience with windows or Linux/Unix administration and Unix shell scripting (bash)
- Experience with at least one Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment Pipelines and tooling (GitLab, Jenkins, Bamboo, Circle CI etc)
- Experience with migrating/modernizing various workloads into GCP
- Has understanding of automated infrastructure discovery using the GCP native tools
- Experience with leveraging GCP migration toolset such as Migration Center, Database Migration Service, Cloud Foundation Toolkit, etc
- Knowledge of modernizing the application hosted on VM/servers to container-based deployment architecture
- Optimize Total Cost of Ownership by leveraging the right services in the GCP landscape
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