Create a server-level firewall rule in Azure portal
- After the database deployment completes, select SQL databases from the left-hand menu and then select mySampleDatabase on the SQL databases page. The overview page for your database opens. It displays the fully qualified server name (such as and provides options for further configuration. You can also find the firewall settings by navigating directly to your server, and selecting Networking under Security.
- Copy the fully qualified server name. You will use it when you connect to your server and its databases in other quickstarts. Select Set server firewall on the toolbar.
- Set Public network access to Selected networks to reveal the virtual networks and firewall rules. When set to Disabled, virtual networks and firewall rule settings are hidden.
- Choose Add your client IP to add your current IP address to a new, server-level, firewall rule. This rule can open Port 1433 for a single IP address or for a range of IP addresses. You can also configure firewall settings by choosing Add a firewall rule.
- Select Save. Port 1433 is now open on the server and a server-level IP-based, firewall rule is created for your current IP address.
- Close the Networking page.
Open SQL Server Management Studio or another tool of your choice. Use the server admin account you created earlier to connect to the server and its databases from your IP address.