Creating S3 bucket and Uploading Object Lab Guide
- Log in to the AWS Management Console using your root account credentials.
- Open the Amazon S3 console by clicking on “Services” in the top navigation bar, selecting “S3” from the dropdown menu.
- Click on the “Create bucket” button.
- In the “Create bucket” dialog box, enter a name for your bucket. The bucket name must be unique across all of Amazon S3. For example, let’s use “my-s3-bucket” as our bucket name.
- Select the region for your bucket. Choose a region that is closest to you or to your application for better latency and performance.
- Leave the remaining settings to their default values, and click on the “Create bucket” button.
- You will be redirected to the S3 console, and your newly created bucket will be listed on the dashboard.
- Click on your bucket name to access the bucket page.
- Click on the “Upload” button to upload an object to your bucket.
- In the “Upload” dialog box, select the file you want to upload and click on the “Upload” button. You can also drag and drop files from your computer to the S3 console.
- Your uploaded object will be listed on the bucket page. You can click on the object name to view its properties, such as metadata, permissions, and versioning.
- Explore the S3 console by navigating through the various tabs and sections, such as the “Properties” tab, the “Permissions” tab, the “Lifecycle” tab, and the “Management” tab.