AWS Technical Architect

- 8-12 years of experience working on AWS cloud technologies in architecture and engineering
- Hands on experience in AWS technologies is a must.
- Focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto scaling using AWS Cloud Formation.
- Configured and managed various AWS Services including EC2, RDS, VPC, S3, Glacier, Cloud Watch, Cloud Front, and Route 53 etc.
- Configured various performance metrics using AWS Cloud watch & Cloud Trial
- Worked on configuring Cross-Account deployments using AWS Code Pipeline, Code Build and Code Deploy by creating Cross-Account Policies & Roles on IAM.
- Written various Lambda services for automating the functionality on the Cloud.
- Used AWS Route 53 for configuring the High-Availability and Disaster recovery to make the environment up and running in case of any unexpected disaster.
- Maintained the user accounts (IAM), RDS, Route 53, VPC, RDB, Dynamo DB, SES, SQS and SNS services in AWS cloud.
- Experience with microservice architecture
- Above-average skills in Python or another high-level programming language
- Working knowledge of Containers and container orchestration platforms
- Deep knowledge of configuration management, Network connectivity, deployment automation tools on AWS
- Deep understanding of various security aspects
- Experience and exposure to design reviews for introduction of new technologies