Go to the storage account you want to secure. Locate the Networking settings under Security + networking. Choose which type of public network access you want to allow. To allow traffic from all networks, select Enabled from all networks. To allow traffic only from specific virtual networks, select Enabled from selected virtual networks and IP …
Right-click the container or file and select Generate SAS from the drop-down menu. Select Signing method → User delegation key. Define Permissions by checking and/or clearing the appropriate check box: Your source container or file must have designated read and list access. Your target container or file must have designated write and list access. Specify the signed key Start and Expiry times. When you create a shared access signature (SAS), the default duration …
In the Azure portal, go to your storage account. Under Security + networking, select Access keys. Your account access keys appear, as well as the complete connection string for each key. Select Show keys to show your access keys and connection strings and to enable buttons to copy the values. Under key1, find the Key value. Select the Copy button …
To access blob data in the Azure portal with Azure AD credentials, a user must have the following role assignments: A data access role, such as Storage Blob Data Reader or Storage Blob Data Contributor The Azure Resource Manager Reader role, at a minimum To learn how to assign these roles to a user, follow …
Navigate to the desired container. Select the More button on the right, then select Access policy. In the Immutable blob storage section, select Add policy. In the Policy type field, select Time-based retention, and specify the retention period in days. To create a policy with container scope, do not check the box for Enable version-level immutability. If desired, select Allow additional …
Navigate to your storage account in the Azure portal. In the Data management section, select Lifecycle management. Select Add a rule and name your rule on the Details form. You can also set the Rule scope, Blob type, and Blob subtype values. The following example sets the scope to filter blobs. This causes the Filter set tab to be added. Select Base blobs to set …
Allow or disallow public read access for a storage account Navigate to your storage account in the Azure portal. Locate the Configuration setting under Settings. Set Blob public access to Enabled or Disabled. Set the public access level for a container Navigate to your storage account overview in the Azure portal. Under Data storage on the menu blade, select Blob containers. …
Create a container Navigate to your new storage account in the Azure portal. In the left menu for the storage account, scroll to the Data storage section, then select Containers. Select the + Container button. Type a name for your new container. The container name must be lowercase, must start with a letter or number, …
Sign in to the Azure portal. From the left portal menu, select Storage accounts to display a list of your storage accounts. If the portal menu isn’t visible, click the menu button to toggle it on. On the Storage accounts page, select Create. On the Basics tab, provide the essential information for your storage account. After you …
The RSS connector has a trigger that checks an RSS feed, based on a schedule. The Office 365 Outlook connector has an action that sends an email for each new item. The connectors in this example are only two among the hundreds of connectors that you can use in a workflow. While …
Create an AKS cluster Sign in to the Azure portal. On the Azure portal menu or from the Home page, select Create a resource. Select Containers > Kubernetes Service. On the Basics page, configure the following options: Project details: Select an Azure Subscription. Select or create an Azure Resource group, such as myResourceGroup. Cluster details: Ensure the the Preset configuration is Standard ($$). Enter a Kubernetes …
Open Cloudshell Create a resource group with the az group create command. In the following example, a resource group named myResourceGroup is created in the eastus region: az group create –name myResourceGroup –location eastus Once you’ve created the resource group, create an Azure container registry with the az acr create command. The container registry name must be …
Create a container instance Sign in to the Azure portal at https://portal.azure.com On the Azure portal homepage, select Create a resource. Select Containers > Container Instances. On the Basics page, choose a subscription and enter the following values for Resource group, Container name, Image source, and Container image. Resource group: Create new > myresourcegroup Container name: mycontainer Image source: Quickstart images Container image: mcr.microsoft.com/azuredocs/aci-helloworld:latest (Linux) Leave the …
Create a function app Sign in to the Azure portal  using the same account you used to activate the sandbox. Under Azure services, select Create a resource. The Create a resource pane appears. In the menu, select Compute, and then select Function App in the Popular products list. The Create Function App pane appears. On the Basics tab, enter the following values for each …
Prepare your environment Create an App Service app, or use an app that you created for another tutorial. The web app’s App Service plan must be a paid tier and not Free (F1). Make sure you can edit the DNS records for your custom domain. To edit DNS records, you need access to …
Create an ASP.NET web app Open Visual Studio and then select Create a new project. In Create a new project, find, and select ASP.NET Core Web App, then select Next. In Configure your new project, name the application MyFirstAzureWebApp, and then select Next. Select .NET 6.0 (Long-term support). Ensure Authentication Type is set to None. Select Create. From the Visual Studio menu, …
Create a scale set Use the Azure portal to create a Flexible scale set. Open the Azure portal. Search for and select Virtual machine scale sets. Select Create on the Virtual machine scale sets page. The Create a virtual machine scale set will open. Select the subscription that you want to use for Subscription. For Resource group, select Create new and type myVMSSRG for …
Creating an Availability Set Login to Azure portal and search for Availability set Now Availability Set page click on Create availability set Now on the create availability set page you would need to select your Subscription & the Resource group You need to enter the Name of the Availability set, …